TWD TradeWinds Inc. (TWD) announces today a strategic investment in Dot Scientific, Inc. of Burton, Michigan. As an industry leader in permanent barcoding service to the global laboratory automation market, TWD provides a wide variety of permanent sample identification solutions. TWD barcoded glass and plastic vials are well recognized in global pharmaceutical and life science research communities, particularly in compound management and bio-banking. In addition, TWD supplies glass and plastic laboratory consumable products through TWD BioX (Biologix) and Kemtech America (Synthware).
This investment creates a unique channel for TWD to offer its technologies, products and services to broader industrial and academic life science research markets. “We are very pleased to partner with Dot Scientific, a highly respected distributor with over 30 years of history.” Dr. John Wang, President of TWD TradeWinds, continues, “This strategic partnership offers significant opportunities for TWD to serve a broader market with differentiated products and service through a differentiated channel.”
Dot Scientific is a woman owned small business with a broad customer base in the Midwest, Mid-Atlantic, and Southwest regions. “We are excited about this partnership with TWD TradeWinds which enables Dot Scientific to offer unique products and services to our customers”, Dorothy Boone, President of Dot Scientific, commented. “This strategic investment from TWD will enable us to drive organic growth through both product enhancement and geographic expansion.”
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