TWD TradeWinds Inc. (TWD) today announces its introduction of a new barcoding service with ThermaBond technology.
ThermaBond adds another versatile and affordable option to other TWD innovations in barcoding technologies. It is capable of printing high quality barcode, text, and graphics, directly onto both glass and plastic labware. Like other TWD barcoding technologies, ThermaBond is designed for laboratory automation, offering permanent barcodes for sample identification. ThermaBond is chemically resistant and safe under cryogenic conditions.
ThermaBond offers an economical alternative to other TWD custom barcoding services, such as FusionBond for plastic labware and PermaBond for glassware.
“TWD is committed to continued innovation in new permanent sample identification technologies to better serve the laboratory automation industry.” John Wang, President of CEO and TWD TradeWinds commented. “ThermaBond is another example of such innovation that offers unique properties and value”.
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