TWD TradeWinds, Inc. (TWD) received 2018 VWR Platinum Award in Operational Excellence at VWR Americas Sales Conference held this week in Nashville, TN.
The awards were given to a small elite group of suppliers who have demonstrated excellence in all aspects of operation, including on time order fulfillment and invoice accuracy. This year, VWR has added new criteria and increased threshold for each level of award to reflect continues improvement.
“TWD is honored with the recognition from VWR International for the 3rd year in a row and appreciate VWR’s continued supports to TWD and its affiliates, Kemtech America and Biologix USA, in providing high quality products at competitive prices. More importantly, we are committed to support VWR in providing the best customer experience in the industry.” Dr. John Wang, President of TWD TradeWinds commented. “As a result of our commitment to excellence, both Kemtech and BioX products delivered double digit growth at VWR in 2018.”
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