TWD TradeWinds, Inc., an industry leader in permanent laboratory product barcode identification, is excited to announce the newest addition to their Permanent Sample ID lineup! We are pleased to introduce FusionBond Sample ID.
The FusionBond permanent barcode labeling system is capable of bonding labels directly onto plastic labware, making FusionBond the ideal solution for long-term storage at low temperatures. In addition to being chemically resistant to organic solvents, FusionBond labels are scratch-proof, adhesive-free, and eliminate weight change due to moisture or dried adhesive. FusionBond is also uniquely capable of delivering superior barcoding results with high contrast black-on-white and color options.
FusionBond can accommodate all 1D and 2D symbologies and multiple labeling positions on a variety of plasticware. To learn more about how our new FusionBond can fit your specific needs, please feel free to contact a customer service agent using our website.
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